Recent Ventures

RPM Tech
RPM Tech and Tor Truck; manufacturer of custom heavy-duty trucks and industrial equipment. Under Tor Truck, our team created the second largest distributor of powertrain components for trucks in North America (Dana, Eaton, Arvin Meritor, etc). All trucks and equipment manufactured were certified to comply with related industry regulations such FMVSS (USA) and CMVSS (Canadian). Custom trucks were made for crane, aerial platforms, concrete pumps and other. Under RPM Tech, industrial vehicles were designed and manufactured for applications such as rail, airports, subway and municipalities.
Active investment
Cummins was a restructuring project where its core business was the distribution and service of diesel engines, parts, and generators. The business had eight branches across eastern Canada and over 150 automotive, industrial and marine dealers.

Jupiter Solutions
The company was created at the turn of the last century. The opportunity came from the uncertainty around year 2,000 that all worldwide systems would collapse at 23:59:59 as we enter 2000. Most systems were built on 2 digits recognition and passing from 99 to 00 did create a large anticipation (stress, discomfort, uncertainty…) that all computers would stop running including power grid.
Mid-year 1999, the new created company signed the largest contract to build 600 mobile generators of 1 MW, 1.5MW and 2MW (MW: Mega Watts) over 3 years. The contract was later expended to almost 2,000 units. The company operated in a very innovative way to be able to contract or expend as the build rate needed to be increase to up to 15 units a week (representing 10,000 labor hours) for several weeks or halted for certain period until all units would be dispersing in the field by the customers. The company developed several components that were patented. After the collapse of Enron in 2003, the long-lasting energy crisis dissipated, and the company sold all the remaining assets to the main customers.